How To Make Great Videos For Your YouTube Channel


How To Make Great Videos For Your YouTube Channel – You might have come across a ton of video content that has helped you in various situations like learning something new or maybe it has helped you with a certain problem.

If you want to create an amazing YouTube thumbnail then you can use a YouTube thumbnail maker.

How To Make Great Videos For Your YouTube Channel

How To Make Great Videos For Your YouTube Channel

You may have also noticed a lot of top influencers make tutorials and other instructional videos, show a preview of it on Instagram or YouTube, and then let you buy the whole video for a certain amount of money, this concept of the video for sale is becoming more popular these days and for good reason. Videos have a unique way of appealing to their audiences.

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YouTube is the platform where everyone uploads their videos, it is one of the most successful platforms as well and did you know that it is also the world’s second-largest search engine right behind Google?

Several businesses use video marketing strategies to gain more audience attention and eventually turn those audiences into paying customers.

Brands utilize YouTube to interact with their viewers/customers, create and share valuable content, market their products/services, and also to increase their brand awareness.

How To Make Great Videos For Your YouTube Channel

But how does one create a compelling YouTube video?

You should know that creating a good video is not an easy task, there are several things you should keep in mind when you’re creating a video for your YouTube channel.

Tips To Help You Shoot Great Videos

As mentioned above, there are several things you should keep in mind when you’re creating a video for your YouTube channel.


If you’re just starting the most important thing you should do is research, you should find your niche and also be sure of your target audience.

With that in place, you should look at the YouTube channels of your competitors, you will learn quite a lot from just watching their videos, you should see how they make videos and market it to their audience. It would help if you used that as an inspiration to create and market your videos.

Another important thing you should know about watching videos from other channels is that you will find “content gaps”, this means that their video content may lack some information or may not be compelling enough, you can use that to your advantage and fill in those gaps.

For instance, if your competitor does not make videos on the feedback the channel receives, then you can make videos on the feedback you receive from your viewers, this will help you stand out from the rest of the channels on YouTube.

So start listing out channels and watching their videos, make sure you pay attention to videos that get the most likes and views, you should see what draws in so many viewers, and you should pay attention to the various factors in the video that attract a lot of viewers.

When you do your research in the right manner, you are bound to learn a lot of things right from the start and that will help you stand out from the rest.

Apart from researching videos and other channels on YouTube, it is wise to conduct keyword research as well. This is a very useful SEO strategy that will help you rank higher in the search results.

All you have to do is research the keywords or most searched words/phrases and incorporate them into your video description, this will help your video perform better.

You should start by speculating about the kind of words and phrases that people use in general to search the internet for information and use these words to search for videos as a part of your research. For example, musicians may search for “learn new scales” or “backing tracks”, and if you create videos on music then you should add these words in the title of your video or the description.

So type in words that you think people use and if the videos of your competitors show up, then you will know if you’re on the right track or not.


This is another important factor, using the right gear for filming videos is very important. But at the same time creating a video is not an expensive affair unless you are willing to spend more money on it, that is if you have.

Owning professional gear is not mandatory, you should make use of the gear you already have. You may think having a camera is necessary, think again. If you have a decent smartphone, then that is more than enough to create a great video. That is because most smartphones nowadays come fully equipped with a good-quality camera.

You should use that to your advantage and shoot videos. The most important bit is how you use your equipment, so be sure to learn some filming techniques before you start shooting your video.

Also, one other important thing you should invest in is a tripod or gimbal, they are filming gear that will help you make your videos look great and they are inexpensive, moreover, they can be found on the internet for you to buy.

Make sure you invest in a recording microphone as well, it will help you capture good-quality sound, this is if the audio recording in your smartphone is inadequate.

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These are some of the things you should keep in mind when you’re starting as a video content maker, but if done right you can jump on the video selling bandwagon in no time and you can monetize your video content.

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Nazrul Islam
I'm Nazrul Islam, from Assam Guwahati (India) I have been Running this Blog since 2016 with my full effort to Help users in the Tech field and clear doubt, and provide advanced guides in simple methods. Such as how-to guides Tips&Tricks Windows Android Blogging Digital Marketing SEO Hosting Make Money Social Media Reviews technology.


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